The Pros and Cons of Buying a Headrest Player: Is it Worth the Investment?


Are you tired of hearing “Are we there yet?” on long car rides? Do you wish you could keep your children entertained during those long hours on the road? If so, a headrest player might be just what you need. But is it worth the investment? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of buying a headrest player.



One of the biggest advantages of a headrest player is that it can provide entertainment for passengers during long car rides. With a headrest player, passengers can watch movies, TV shows, or play games to pass the time. This can be especially helpful for families with children who get easily bored during long car rides.


Another benefit of a headrest player is its convenience. Rather than having to bring along a separate DVD player or tablet, a headrest player is built right into the car’s headrest. This means that there’s no need to worry about cords or finding a place to prop up a tablet. It’s also a great space-saver for those with limited car space.

Multiple Users

Many headrest players come equipped with two screens, which means that multiple passengers can watch at the same time. This can be especially helpful for families with more than one child, as it can help prevent arguments over what to watch.


Headrest players come in a variety of colors and styles, which means that you can choose one that matches your car’s interior. This can help create a seamless and customized look in your car.



One of the biggest drawbacks of a headrest player is its cost. A good quality headrest player can cost several hundred dollars, which can be a significant investment for some families. Additionally, there may be installation costs if you’re not comfortable installing it yourself.


While headrest players can be great for keeping passengers entertained, they can also be a distraction for the driver. If the driver is constantly turning around to check on what’s happening on the screen, it can take their focus off the road, which can be dangerous.

Limited Viewing Angle

Another potential issue with headrest players is that they have a limited viewing angle. If the screen is not positioned correctly, it can be difficult for passengers to see what’s happening on the screen. This can be especially problematic for young children who may not be able to communicate that they can’t see the screen.

Limited Use

Finally, a headrest player may not get as much use as you think. If you only take short car rides or don’t travel often, a headrest player may not be worth the investment. Additionally, as technology continues to advance, it’s possible that the headrest player may become outdated sooner rather than later.


So, is a headrest player worth the investment? As with many things, it depends on your specific situation. If you frequently take long car rides and have children who get easily bored, a headrest player can be a lifesaver. However, if you only take short car rides or don’t travel often, it may not be worth the investment. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if the pros outweigh the cons.


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